Stop Telling Students They Don't Need College
STOP TELLING STUDENTS THEY DON’T NEED COLLEGE because all they hear is THEY DON’T NEED EDUCATION. There is a direct correlation to students believing that they can only LEARN when it is in school. School, to most, means an institutionalized, militant structure that is more like a job where they are required to go, required to learn what is taught there, and must adapt to the way information is received. We MUST be careful with the WORDS THAT WE USE.
What we want to be saying is “LEARNING STARTS WHEN YOU ARE BORN AND IS A PART OF YOUR LIFE FOREVER. BE THOUGHTFUL AND AWARE IN CHOOSING YOUR EXTENDED EDUCATION”. Which comes in a number of different forms – College, Technical Schools, Personal Development, Work Experience, Internships, Trade Schools, Accelerated Programs and much more. However, lately, there has been a big push to eliminate college as a choice with the driving influencer being the high cost of student debit. Sometimes proponents encourage students to seek out Trade Schools or other avenues of potential career path that minimize the need for spending another 4 to 5 years in school. An idea that is accepted easily by those who hate the current school system learning structure and a direction pushed by industries needing hands on labor and specific skills that are gained through other means than traditional college.
So, before telling a student they DON’T NEED COLLEGE, preface it with, “If you are living, you are learning”. There are many choices to be made when deciding on a career and so it is important to start with learning about something that you love and are interested in. Your continued education is an investment in yourself. Having a plan in place reduces the risk of financial burden and builds a blueprint to streamline your success. Find someone who has your dream job and interview them, find a mentor, shadow a boss. Learn how to understand your learning style, your life and career goals and desires and start building a Master Plan, THEN DECIDE IF COLLEGE IS RIGHT FOR YOU.
AND if your STILL having trouble deciding – then reach out to me and we will get you on the right track!